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Regarding the sad memoir of famous author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, Night has had a massive impact on today’s youth. Believable or not, there are many aspects of the story that are relatable to today’s society. One theme that is common now at days that is a problem in the book is clearly race. […]



-takes place at Aushchwitz

-the life of a teenager named Elie Wiesel

-at concentration camp

-only has his father with him who eventually dies as well

-Elie learns to deal with the struggles of living in a Concentration camp


The Diary Of Anne Frank:

-the diary of a teenage Jewish girl during the Holocaust

-hiding in an attic

-being protected by the Mieps

-eventually gets sent to concentration camp and passes away

-Otto Frank (her father) is the only one to make it out alive

Today’s Youth:

-age of both Elie Wiesel and Anne Frank resemble ours

-gets teenagers thinking; we have it so easy compared to them

-makes some of us feel grateful for what we have been given

-Nazis were like today’s bullies; picking on the weak

Writing Style

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-first person -his age is around the same as the classes, making the story more relateable -not too graphic -reader can feel the emotions that Elie was feeling -uses symbolism in his text; including the title “Night” ex: -the night time is when Elie and his family get deported -the word Night represents darkness, which […]

Eliezer Wiesel:

-narrator of his memoir Night

-Holocaust robs him of his faith

-deported at age 14

-maintains strong relationship with his father even though it can be extremely hard at times

-identification number: A-7713

-makes it out of the Holocaust alive

-Elie Wiesel, “I believe I survived to tell the story of others that were not so lucky.”

Shlomo Wiesel:

-father of Elie Wiesel

-only character who is present throughout Elie’s entire memoir

-respected by Jewish community

-member of the Jewish Counsil which was the first group to hear about the deportation

-50 year old man but poses as a decade younger at the Concentration camp

-on the last march to Gleiwitz, he becomes very weak and sick

– at Buchenwald he catches a deadly case of dysentery

-does not make it out of the concentration camp alive, but comes close to.

Moshe the Beadle:

-Eliezer’s teacher of Jewish mysticism

-poor man

-lives in Sighet

-deported before the rest of the Jews but escapes

-comes back to warn townspeople of Sighet what occurs at these camps

-community thinks he is crazy and refuse to believe him

Tzipora Wiesel:

-Elie’s one of three sisters

-7 years old; youngest between Hilda, Bea and herself

-her and her mother are immediately seperated from Shomo and Elie when arriving at the camp

-assume based on logic that her and her mother both died shortly after arriving at camp

Madame Schächter:

-Jewish woman from Sighet

-deported in the same cattle as Elie

-seperated from husband and two eldest sons, while she remains with her youngest

-terrifies other passengers of the train due to her sharp cries and what people think are hallucinations

-“It was as though she were possessed by an evil spirit which spoke from the depths of her being” (23)- Elie

-she would keep screaming, “Fire!” but when people looked outside they saw nothing

-when arriving at Auschwitz, there indeed were flames attacking the sky

Dr.Josef Mengele

-nicknamed the “Angel of Death”

-SS and doctor at Auschwitz

-sentenced countless prisoners to death

-preformed horrendous experiments on Jews, especially Jewish twins

-cared for a nurtered Jewish twins to later use them as “lab rats”


-young musician

-plays the violin


-part of the Musician’s block at Buna (concentration camp)

-reappears at Gleiwitz where Elie discovers he is lying on top of him in the tremendously crowded barracks

-plays Beethoven during the night


-Elie’s Kapo (a prisoner conscripted by the Nazis to police other prisoners) at the electrical equipment warehouse in Buna

-violent man filled with rage

-Elie catches him having sex with a young Polish girl

-lashes Elie 25 times; Elie passes out


-Elie’s foreman at Buna

-notices Elie’s gold tooth

-beats Elie’s father repeatedly hoping this will lead to him gaining Elie’s gold crown

Rabbi Eliahou:

-well liked and respected rabbi

-his son purposely leaves him behind during a run to Gleinwitz

-he goes looking after his son

-Elie realizes he never wants to do such a cruel thing to his father
